“...thank you for the creative and engaging approach you took to your Honors Interpretation of Literature section. This is very much what we hope to see brought to an honors course and greatly appreciate you integrating applied learning and digital humanities in a first year course for our students. You should be justifiably proud along with your students.”
Taking advantage of and sharing local resources while practicing research on the material aspects and cultural work of texts, U Iowa Interpretation of Literature students shared their finds from the University Library's Special Collections through social media.
What happens when students unite literary interpretation with digital public authorship? Click here for some examples.
Syllabi, Assignments, Handouts:
* Literary Analysis: Adaptation/Multimedia, Grinnell College
* Adaptation & Multimedia Storytelling (Humanities Special topic), Grinnell College
* Performing Commemoration: Ephemeral & Digital Memorials (Humanities Special topic), Grinnell College
* Digital Storytelling Assignment: Material Analysis & Research Using Special Collections/College Archives
* Critical Response Process Handout for Peer Review
* Pecha Kucha Group Research Presentation Assignment